Emacs Theme Switcher

Monday, September 2, 2024

Table of Contents


Figure 1: demo

I like to switch my emacs theme several times a day. I do this based on the time of day, brightness of the room I'm currently in, and my mood. So I made a little emacs package to make it more comfy to do so.

It provides 2 features:


Clone the repository in your preferred destination.

cd ~/path/to
git clone https://github.com/Duncan-Britt/theme-switcher.git

Add the following to your config, specifying the path to the cloned repository, as well as your preferred light and dark themes.

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/theme-switcher/") ; (path)
(with-eval-after-load 'org
  (require 'theme-switcher)
  (setq *theme-switcher-themes-light* '("ef-day" "leuven")) ; (light)
  (setq *theme-switcher-themes-dark* '("ef-elea-dark" "ef-cherie"))) ; (dark)

To find your available themes, you can use M-x customize-themes.


Switching Themes

Enter C-t to choose a theme in the mini buffer.

If you'd like to change the default keybinding, you can specify your preferred keybinding in your setup.

(with-eval-after-load 'org
  (require 'theme-switcher)
  (ts-init "C-c t") ; (kbd)
  (setq *theme-switcher-themes-light* '("ef-day" "leuven"))
  (setq *theme-switcher-themes-dark* '("ef-elea-dark" "ef-cherie")))

Light and dark mode images

To use this functionality, you first need to make your light and dark mode versions of your image and name them name.extension and name-dark.extension, respectively. For example, I could have files directed-graph.png and directed-graph-dark.png. They must be in the same directory.

Then, in org mode, link to the file like so: [[path/to/directed-graph.png]]. When you display inline images, if you are in dark mode, or switch to dark mode, directed-graph-dark.png will be displayed instead of directed-graph.png.

Date: 2024-09-02 Mon 00:00